As a parent, you meet all 'sorts' of children who befriend your child and come into your life, and sometimes you may not always 'agree' with their choices. However, I can honestly say, with my hand on my heart, that Fionn and Ciaren are both gorgeous boys and we never tire of spending time with them. They are energetic, very sporty, incredibly kind and caring and are just heaps of fun. We are going to miss them very much.
Tonight we had the boys and their Dad over for a 'farewell' dinner. The boys particularly loved the chocolate cake which we had decorated with chocolate pebbles to say the boys' 3 names - Joshua, Fionn & Ciaren. It was a happy night but by the end of the evening, it was also very sad and both Fionn and Joshua cried as they hugged each other.
Their 'situation' also made us think of our little family ... and how so lucky we are.
We make you a promise Fionn & Ciaren ... we will still see lots of you when you come down to Wellington to see your Dad. Josh is very keen to skype and knowing the boys and their love of technology I have no doubt that they will work out some way to stay in touch online and no doubt play games online!!
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