What a morning to remember ... all the Mothers of Year 1, 2 and 3 boys were invited to a Special Morning Tea with their Sons to have an early celebration of Mother's Day. We arrived at school at 9.30am and the boys took us to their classroom. Mrs Bell welcomed us all and then invited each boy to stand up, one at a time, and read out a poem they had personally written about their Mum's and why they love them - very emotional!
All Mums were then invited to work with their son and make a corsage of flowers for the Mum's to wear and then decorate the poem which their son had written.
We then went outside and held hands with our sons as we were bag-piped across to the school hall where they had laid out a wonderful morning tea fully catered by the boarding school kitchen staff. All the boys had decorated the tables with vases they had made, art and flowers.
The boys then stood up as a group and sang a song which they had written with their music teacher to the French tune of Frere Jacques and it went ..
All Mums were then invited to work with their son and make a corsage of flowers for the Mum's to wear and then decorate the poem which their son had written.
We then went outside and held hands with our sons as we were bag-piped across to the school hall where they had laid out a wonderful morning tea fully catered by the boarding school kitchen staff. All the boys had decorated the tables with vases they had made, art and flowers.
The boys then stood up as a group and sang a song which they had written with their music teacher to the French tune of Frere Jacques and it went ..
I love Mummy, I love Mummy
Yes I do, yes I do
All I want to say is
Happy Mother's Day
yes I do
yes I do
And you should have seen the actions! Josh is destined for the stage, he really got "into it".
We then sat with our boys and shared the morning tea and it all finished late morning.
It was the most wonderful morning - very emotional, very personal and very intimate. Every mother felt so special. Mr Cassie, the principal, welcomed us and did a heartfelt speech about the importance and value of mothers and it is easy to see that the school instills in our young boys both love and respect for their mothers.
We continue to be nourished and slightly in awe of just what Scots College is delivering to us ... and to Josh.
I will cherish the memories of this morning for a very long time.
Josh, with headset on, reading out his poem
I am so proud of you Josh
Working together on decorating Joshua's poem
Up on stage singing a song, with actions!
Josh loves to sing !
Mummy's poem - this will be in my keepsake box .... forever
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