Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mid-Year School Report 2010

Joshua's report arrived in the mail today. It was so heartening to receive and read a very personalised report and we were just delighted with what was said about Joshua and his progress and application.

The Effort Grades are:
E Exemplary
C Commendable
S Satisfactory
M More effort required

Across the board in all subjects - English, French, Mathematics, Inquiry, Religious Education, Physical Education, Music and Visual Arts - Joshua was awarded a C.

The Achievement Grades are:
4 Achieving well above the expected standard
3 Achieving above the expected standard
2 Achieving at the expected standard
1 Progressing towards the expected standard

Joshua was awarded a 3 in all subjects with the exception of Inquiry for which he received a 2.

Joshua's class teacher, Mrs Bell, summarised as follows:

"Joshua has had a great first semester at his new school. He is achieving above the expected standard, particularly in Reading and Maths. Joshua needs to continue learning his spelling words. His developing phonemic awareness is helping him to form new words and his visual memory is helping him to spell high frequency words. Armed with these word attack skills, Joshua is becoming a more confident writer. Joshua has been a real pleasure to teach this semester and should feel very proud of the progress he has made. It was particularly pleasing to see him complete his first level Literacy Award."

"Joshua has settled quickly into Year 2; his cheery smile and lovely manners have been appreciated in the classroom this semester. Joshua's self confidence has blossomed and he has made huge progress becoming a more confident risk taker with his learning in the classroom and in sporting activities. He is now willing to give things a go which he would previously have anxiously shied away from."

"Joshua is a responsible student who shows a mature commitment to his own learning. He enjoys the company of the other boys and has made several friends within the class. He is a loyal friend who is particularly concerned for other's welfare."

And Mr Cassie, the Principal, wrote ...

"Joshua has made a very positive start to his years in the Prep School. His enthusiastic approach to school life is pleasing and will ensure further consolidation of his learning as the year unfolds. I am pleased to read of Joshua's positive commitment to his learning and growing confidence, particularly when facing the unknown. Keep up the good work Joshua and strive for excellence in all that you do".

We read the report out to Joshua this evening and explained it all to him. We told him how very happy and pleased we were with his report and encouraged him to feel incredibly proud of himself.

There is no perfect school out there; there is no perfect student out there .... but you make a choice to the best of your knowledge and 'feeling' about your child and their needs, and both of us sincerely feel that Scots Prep School and Joshua work so well together. This report is such a fantastic start to Joshua's years at Scots and we are very happy with the choice we made to move him there.

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