Josh has been involved in a tennis programme at Scots for 4 days this week for 2 1/2 hours each day. The weather has been appalling but we fortunately had access to the very large indoor gymnasium and they had a great time. Today they decided to have a Crazy Hair/Hat Competition. Initially Josh was very hesitant to participate but once he knew I had his hairdresser on board and had 'borrowed' some yellow and white hair spray and gel, he was 'reasonably' happy to give it a try. Mind you, I didn't sit him in front of the mirror when I 'went to work' and so it was rather a surprise when I had finished !
And the result ... Joshua came second in the competition and won some lollies and was very happy to have done it !
It cost Mummy a bit more ... she baked a cake for Joshua's hairdresser to say thank you!
Josh has loved the tennis and in fact has expressed an interest to take lessons. I spoke to the coach who suggested he join a squad of 3 other little boys and girls in term 3 once a week. She commented that Joshua had very good natural hand-eye-ball-racket skills and is keen to make sure he learns the right technique from the start - so watch this space Wimbledon !
Joshua & James - James was awarded first-place for his mohawk
Joshua & James side-on - they look like little punks !
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