Mummy cashed in her airpoints and flew her and Joshua to Auckland for Georgia's 7th birthday party (as you do !!!). Josh and Georgia seem to have a special bond and although Georgia is now living back in Auckland, we are very keen to support their friendship and hold onto that 'connection' between them.
As Georgia had flown down to Wellington a few weeks earlier as an unaccompanied minor, Josh was a tad indignant that I was flying on the plane with him - he even went so far as to say "well Mummy I don't have to sit next to you" !! Charming !
Georgia took all her friends to Seedling where the children got to choose either a treasure box or a birds house to paint and decorate. Josh chose a birds house (we are not sure whether his paint job will attract or frighten the birds away!!). However, he is very proud of it. Then everyone went back to Georgia's for party time - and party they did !!
Whilst this was all gong on, Mummy snuck away and spent 4 glorious hours with Judi. Judi and Mummy go back a long time when Judi lived in Wellington ... and although we haven't seen one another for awhile, we picked up simply where we left off. That is truly a sign of a wonderful friendship. Judi is ... well, simply amazing, so inspiring with phenomenal energy that just spills out in everything she says and does. As my Mum said ... "Judi is a person you never forget". And that really sums it up. I have never known 4 hours to pass so quickly, for us to never run out of things to talk about and laugh ... gosh we laughed ! We are already planning our next 'playdate' !!
A most fabulous day for Josh with Georgia; and a most fabulous day for Mummy with Judi.

Georgia opening her presents
Josh and Georgia dancing with balloons
Judi - so energetic, so much fun, so inspirational
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