We have had a blast and I have so enjoyed Joshua's company and energy, he is a gem and a joy to spend time with.
We have packed in so much .... some memories include ... visiting friends, lots of play-dates and a sleepover; a 'wow' birthday party thrown into the middle of it; bike rides along the beach-front and off-road on dirt tracks; discovering new walks and hikes through various parts of Wellington (and some serious climbs as well as the terrain unexpectedly changed and of course getting a tad wet when we had to wade through a stream that was not on the map!); swimming and clowning around at the pool and also swimming lessons; burying our heads in huge punnets of popcorn at the movies; learning how to play tennis; playing laser strike and indoor bowls with friends; flying a kite down at the park; a relaxed routine with late nights (but sadly early mornings - why is it that children have endless energy and no matter what time they go to bed they still wake up at the same time?!?); treasure hunts all over the place (so who needs a reason to have a treasure hunt anyway?); mastering a complete flip on the trampoline; standing on top of the hills behind our house with arms outstretched and seeing who can sing the loudest; the start of the rugby season with regular Friday night training and 'trying' to transition from ripper to touch; playing mega sports on the WII TV programme and taking up the entire lounge to make a good shot; collecting cardboard and sliding down the grassy bank down at the park; making cupcakes, pancakes and biscuits and turning the kitchen upside down; doing some reading and online mathletics programme so that we didn't dodge school and study entirely; biking down to the local dairy and eating lots of ice-creams & ice-blocks and guzzling fizzy drinks; just 'chilling' with Hudson at the beach and watching him surf the waves; donning jackets & hats and snuggling up warm down on the beach eating fish & chips as the sun goes down and then racing one another home to get the first warm bath .... and for those of you who 'really know' Josh, lots and lots of other activities that are fun but exhausting!
Yes, it is true, we LOVE school holidays and feel very blessed that we have a little boy who is healthy and active and who wants to do so much with us. Our days are long ... but they are great and I wouldn't change a thing.
Now back to learning; back to homework; back to study; back to routine .... oh dear!
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