One more sleep .... we are so very excited ... tomorrow we fly to England to see our family ! So we are off and this blog will now have to wait until we return with heaps of fun photos of our time in England and Turkey.
You would think it was his last supper looking at this picture - Huddy caught in the act with his nose in a KFC box in the garage ! Well Huddy left for the kennels today (or I should say doggy-hotel). He had a warm shower with pantene shampoo, hot rice & veges for breakfast, his bed was all clean and teddy was sewn up ... so sad to say goodbye but we will be home soon Huddy and we will take you to the beach again to make you smile !
Josh LOVES the computer and we have to seriously monitor his time on it. If only he loved reading and writing as much ! I am not sure what we are going to do when he finds out the true password - I think we may be changing it often ! However, don't you just love what he put up on the screen - and yes, I think it was his way of asking for more time on the keyboard !!!
Too many after-school activities this term so one had to be sacrificed - and it was Karate. We have 'frozen' our membership and will look to resume next year. Also the karate class was very structured and sometimes it is nice to just 'let go loose' after school and have fun so we have favoured the more lively and fun activities for this year.
We had a lovely Father's Day and Daddy got very spoilt. The day started with Josh insisting that he make Daddy his 'special' breakfast!! For those of you who would like to try it the recipe is:
Mix all together and put in microwave for 1 minute. Bon Appetite !
Then pressie-time ! This year we were very creative and did a photographic 'shoot' of Josh holding the letters 'D' - 'A' - 'D' and then framing the 3 photos. Daddy loved it !
And then Josh then took Daddy on a 'date' - trout fishing at a man-made lake. They caught one, Josh learned how to 'play' with the trout on the line and then, oh dear, hit it on the head with a piece of wood - and then poor Mummy had to have a crash course in how to chop it's head off and cook it!
I have said it before, but I will say it again .... we are so lucky to live a stone's throw from the beach and to be able to just 'be' with the water, the bush, the sun going down - and oh yes, another camp fire !! And summer hasn't even started !
Josh is doing so well at his swimming. He has a powerful kick and has mastered backstroke very well. It was our last swimming lesson today for the term and we start a new class in October.
A friend sent me this video clip (thanks 'koffee'). I think it is quite amazing, particularly if you press 'play', turn up the volume, close your eyes and listen.
I just thought I would share it with you. It is rather poignant as Wellington has had such a wet winter this year but hey, its 1st September, the first official day of spring so we hope that this sound has left our shores for a wee while Watch this The Rain Song