Saturday, July 31, 2010

Calling all Penguins

Aunty Jellybean had told us that it is Penguin nesting season and apparently there are quite a few penguins under the boat ramp down at the local jetty. So tonight we donned our warm clothes, Josh with his head torch and Daddy and Mummy with other torches, and went hunting .... however sadly no luck. It was so cold out there that the penguins must have been tucked up in a warm bed somewhere - we will try again another day.

Early morning tug-of-war

Hudson loves to play 'tug-of-war' and we have all learned to be careful as to what is actually used to 'tug'. However, this time Josh decided to use one of Daddy's socks - let's just say we now have one ankle sock that matches a knee-high sock!! Just as well Daddy wears long trousers !

Huddy is just such a huge part of our family ... they say that "until one has loved an animal, part of their soul remains unawakened" and I think this is very true, we are so blessed to have Hudson.

The ole sock is getting a real stretch
Look who wins - every time !

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Aunty Karen & Uncle Terry come for dinner

We were all very excited tonight .... Aunty Karen & Uncle Terry have now been back from the UK for nearly 5 weeks. They have had so much to do ... find a place to live, get jobs, get a car ... and finally tonight they are coming in to see us. We had so many laughs over dinner and then later in the evening Daddy & Uncle Terry went to the RSA to give Mummy & Karen some 'girl' time together - only problem was that Josh thought that 'his' Aunty Karen had come to see HIM.

We truly love our Aunty Karen - the relationship she has with Joshua is very special and very close. She spent a great deal of time with Joshua in the first 4 years of his life before she went to the UK for the past 3 years; she has always kept in touch with him and they simply have a heart 'connection'. You would honestly think she has never been away - Josh just beamed and sincerely loves his time with her. We are SO happy you are home Aunty Karen!
Joshua's smile says it all really ... he simply beams when Aunty Karen is around
One of the many kisses that Josh gave to Aunty Karen tonight

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Our Waikanae Weekend

We had a glorious weekend; we all headed up to Waikanae on Saturday - we played at the beach in the afternoon, albeit in our winter woollies, and then in the evening we went to a 'horror' party hosted by Daddy's boss. Daddy decided to attend 'in style' as a skeleton but Mummy and Josh felt that their look of horror looking at Daddy was enough so went dressed 'normally'.

When we came home about 9pm we lit a fire and toasted marshmellows. We even had a competition as to who could cook the best marshmellow and then it degenerated into who could burn it the most; we then turned out all the lights and lined up 4 pillows (yes, one for Huddy as well) and laid down on the floor in front of the fire but in the dark and told scary stories !

We were up bright and early on Sunday as Josh was filling in for a school Under 8's rugby team in a tournament. Uncle Apples and Aunty Margaret came along to watch.

Back to spend more time at the gorgeous B&B and Daddy cooked bacon and eggs ! We then met up with Aunty Karen & Uncle Terry on the beach for an ice-cream before heading home.

Although we had only been away for one night, we felt so rested ! Getting away for weekends is simply the best!

Scary Daddy Skeleton
Joshie Skeleton

Building a fire with Mummy

Mummy and her 2 blond boys

How's this for service - open wide Daddy and I will lower the cooked marshmellow into your mouth !

Yummo, this tastes gooooooooooooooood !

Pre-Match chat (oops, I hope that the Poneke Club don't see Joshua in these Wellington colours!)

Uncle Apples & Aunty Margaret came to cheer Josh on !!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Goodbye School Holidays .. Hello Term 3

A rather sad day today ... the end of the school holidays. Oh, we so LOVE holidays in our house !

Well, we had set ourselves quite a list of things-to-do in the school holidays and I am pleased to say that we ticked off almost everything on the list. The few things we did not get done will simply be rolled over into another weekend or the next term break.

Joshua's school class size jumps from 12 to 17 this term as 5 boys 'fly up' from the previous year. So a few changes and no doubt some exciting challenges as we all wait with bated breath to see what term 3 brings.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Such a fun time in the snow

We were invited to join Claire & Vince and their 3 children - Luca (7), Nessy (5) and Elise (2) - up in Turangi at their family's holiday home in the last week of the school holidays. Wow, what a special place, a few metres back from the lake edge and only 40 minutes away from the mountain, how amazing is that?

We had the most wonderful time - we all got along so well and we could not have been made to feel more welcome. Luca, Nessy & Elise are the most special children - Claire and Vince should be very proud of them. Josh loved being with them - and especially Luca.

We laughed and laughed and had fun for the 4 days we were there. We packed in so much - time down at the lake, treasure hunts on the back lawn, tobogganing and building a snowman up on the mountain; exploring a forest walk; dancing and hi-jinks in the evenings; the most gorgeous dinners (Clare & Vince are a formidable team together in the kitchen!) - but most of all a really great time with such good friends.

Thank you Claire & Vince for a most special time together. We love your family and truly treasured our time together !

Mummy put together a treasure hunt on the back lawn for all 4 children - they loved it. They all had to work together as a team and take turns at finding the clue and help one another - climbing high and crawling low!

This brought back memories for Mummy - a walk down to the dairy and emulating honking the horn with your hand as the big trucks passed - and the trucks honk back at you - top score for the morning was 10 honks !
Hi-jinks in the evening - ballet dances, performances & then Claire showed how light she was on her feet by pirouetting across the room & 'landing' in Paul's arms!

The end of another superb day - 3 tired little teddies bundled up on a day bed watching television and having a few treats

So much happiness and frivolity at bedtime on the top bunk together

Nessy became Mummy's little shadow (and Mummy loved it, Nessy is simply adorable). Nessy decided that she and Mummy had to have the same hairstyle - and at one stage we even had to dress the same - bless !

No laughing please - this is serious show business! Mummy and Nessy and Elise put on a dancing show at night, all dressed in our pyjamas - just boooodiful !
Luca and Josh down at the lake and down to their undies !

We had so much fun down at the lake - digging, throwing pumice into the water, paddling and almost going in (who says it is winter ?!?!?!)

Heading home from the lake - shoes and trousers over shoulders

... and now fun in the snow - great sliding Josh !

Mummy & Daddy had the chance to leave Josh with Claire & Vince and have a wander down to the lake just as the sun was setting - glorious !

On the swing bridge on the forest walk

Luca and Josh ... hand-in-hand walking through the forest, in their own little world

Nessy, Josh, Luca & Elise about to head off into the forest

Goodnight Mountain ... we will be back!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

A few school holiday snaps

A few snaps of the holidays ... in no set order
Josh & Fionn competing against each other at basketball on the WII

We always love visiting Uncle Sam at Arabica and having one of his hot chocolates - Sam always spoils Josh

We had many trips to the swimming pool - here we are with Soul

And many trips to various parks - here we are spinning upside down and what's more, Joshua can then stand up immediately and walk a straight line (something which his parents definitely cannot do after spinning around and around!)

A holiday would not be complete without making pancakes with Daddy - just watch out when it is time to flip them !

Forever playing with Hudson down at the park, a daily ritual in fact ! Here Hudson is playing "come and get the coke bottle off me" (fortunately it is a plastic bottle!)

A day in the Wairarapa with Spencer and his family and playing soccer in the garden under all the glorious autumn tree.

Playing cards with Spencer's sister Payton - and taking it very seriously I might add !

A visit to Aunty Jellybean at Scots along with Sebastian - Aunty Jellybean is teaching them a few dance steps here !

And 2 tired boys at the end of the day