Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Introducing ... the Hoopsters!

This term Joshua joined a Scots College 'Mini-Ball' team coached by their Year 4 teacher, Greg Wright. Mini-Ball is an introductory game to full-on Basketball. It is mixed so the Scots boys get to play other teams in their grade from many schools around Wellington, both boys and girls. We felt it was a good idea to start playing some sport with his class mates.

Joshua has really loved mini-ball. With rugby this season, Joshua 'held' back and did not enjoy the tackling, but because mini-ball is all about getting the ball and then dribbling it down the court and no real body contact, he was really into it! It was refreshing to stand on the side-line and see him enthusiastic and happy about a team game.

Results-wise, it was a mixed season ... some wins, some losses - but at the end of the day Joshua had fun!

Friday, September 16, 2011

End of Season "Crazy Practise"

At the end of every season, the Mustangs always have a fun night called "Crazy Practise" which starts off with a 'fun' game of touch vs the parents. As Manager of the team this year, Mummy was in charge of crazy practise and she decided that it was certainly going to be both crazy and a night to remember!

It started off innocently enough with the usual game of touch (which was a lot of fun actually and made us parents realise how jolly fast some of these 8 and 9 year olds are!) and then progressed to the 'usual' i.e. egg & spoon race, a sack race, a wheelbarrow race, a 3-legged race and then some more 'crazy' fun with some really silly and hysterical games.

The 2 favourites of the night were firstly, Crazy String when every Mustang was given a spray can of crazy string and all were confined to a small section of the pitch and they sprayed each other until their cans were empty. All of the children were 'dripping' in strands of red string. at the end.

And, secondly, the Donut Eating Race which was probably the funniest and the highlight of the evening. All the Mustangs had to kneel on the ground and their arms were tied behind their backs. A plate was placed in front of each of them and I initially told them it was 'fear factor' and they were all going to eat snails but instead I placed a LARGE long cream donut smothered in icing sugar on each plate. On 'GO' they had to bend forward and eat the donut (don't forget their hands were tied behind their backs). Some really got into it and were little piglets and there was cream and icing sugar everywhere!

Crazy Practise took 2 hours and I can assure you that all Mustangs left smiling and were very tired and ... filthy!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Public Speaking Competiton

For the Public Speaking Competition this year all the boys in Year 3 had to choose their own poem, learn it off by heart and say it with emotion and conviction!

I downloaded about 4 poems for Josh to look at and he chose "My Pig won't let me watch TV".

The competition was today and all the boys took turns standing up in front of the Years 1-3 boys and 3 judges. They chose 3 boys to compete in the Final next week. Josh did not get into the finals this year but Mrs Bell says he knew his poem off by heart and delivered it very well indeed. Well done Josh - we know that you do not particularly enjoy Public Speaking but it is just great that you participated so well!

My Pig Won't Let Me Watch TV
- by Ken Nesbitt

My pig won't let me watch TV
Its totally unfair
He watches anything he wants
but doesn't ever share

He sits beside me on the couch
And bosses me around
Changing all the channels
and turning up the sound

I never get to watch cartoons
or anything like that
He's busy watching farming shows
I should have got a cat

I should have got a goldfish
Or a guinea pig, or a goat
Instead .... I've got this pig
Who's always hogging the remote

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Hail Stones the size of Marbles!

Early afternoon today the temperatures suddenly plummeted from 12 degrees to 4 degrees in about 30 minutes. Marble-sized hail stones pelted Wellington - it was short, sharp and to the point and within 10 minutes the streets in the central city were completely white. The hail stones were so large, they hurt as they pelted you and it was hard to walk without holding onto something as the uncovered pathways were so slippery. I was relieved when I got back to the car and just sat parked until it was over. The sound of the hailstones and the rattling thunder was phenomenal. What is happening to our weather?

I took this photo from across the street in the city.

Monday, September 12, 2011

The boys after School

Every now and then a few of us walk around to the park behind the Prep School and the boys let off some steam and play for half-an-hour before going home. The boys waste no time throwing off their jackets and ties and it is a good chance to just wind down after a day in the classroom.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Joshua's new BMX Bike

We took Huddy down to Lyall Bay for a swim today and christened Joshua's NEW bike! Enzo has kindly given Joshua his old BMX bike and Josh wanted to take it to the beach - afterall, he said, it is a stunt bike! However, stunt bike or not, it was a very difficult and heavy bike to 'push' through the sand but we had fun anyway and at one point Josh did a 'wheelie' in the water!

Thank you Enzo, we are going to have a lot of fun with this bike - afterall, Josh loves "anything" to do with what you have done!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Josh & Huddy

Josh and Huddy are close buddies ... although there are times that it would seem that Josh simply takes Huddy for granted, we are seeing more and more times when 'they' are together and we have sometimes even heard Josh chatting to Hudson. Today after school, Josh had a bag of pink lollies and he was kindly giving some to Huddy at grandma's house. Huddy loves food but will never snatch or grab - he just stands there and ever so gently licks the lolly off Joshua's hand.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This term Joshua has joined a JuJitsu class - it is held every Tuesday in the Scots College gymnasium and runs for 45-50 minutes. It is a small manageable group of between 12 and 15 boys and the parents are invited to watch. JuJitsu is a Japanese form of unarmed combat and the boys are being taught some clever and subtle self-defence moves. The teacher is very clever and engages the boys in fun play and then introduces a few 'special' moves.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Father's Day

Daddy was made to feel very special today for Father's Day! Josh made Daddy a card and bought him a giant cake of white chocolate. Mummy had put together a 'questionnaire' for Josh to fill in for Daddy ... below are the questions and Josh's answers (unedited) in blue which Josh tied up with a ribbon and gave to Daddy.

My Daddy's name is: Paul Turnbull (correct)
He is 42 years old (works for me if he also takes 5 years off my age!)
He weighs 105 kilos (oops Daddy you DO need to go on a diet)
My Daddy is really good at: Singing and dancing and being silly and playing on the computer (such skills Daddy!)

My Dad loves to: Play with me on the trampoline and on the computer
My favourite things to do with my Daddy are: Going down to the park and playing on the WII and computer
I'm just like my Dad because: We share the same hair style - well we did when he was young (oh bless!)
What I love most about my Dad is: His voice and his smile (wow!)
It makes my Dad happy when I: try my hardest at everything I do and sometimes when I try something I don't want to (so true Josh)

We took Daddy out for a cooked breakfast and then went trout fishing and Josh caught a 3.28gram trout. Mummy then dropped the boys off at the movies to see Mr Popper's Penguins whilst she took Huddy up into the hills - and then home to have fresh trout for dinner (entree size!). Daddy loved his day with 'his boy'.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


We are always happy to see Fionn! He and his brother are now living in Auckalnd with their Mum but the arrangement is that they come down to Wellington every second weekend. We appreciate that time with their Dad in Wellington is very precious but we are all keen to also cherish the bond the boys have. Fionn came over for a play this morning - he is such a special boy and we do miss him.

A Biking Adventure

We have discovered a new biking track up on the Miramar Peninsular so this afternoon Daddy & Josh rode their mountain bikes whilst Mummy ran with Huddy. The boys started on the dirt obstacle track and we then literally went 'over the edge' onto a track through the bush that took us nearly an hour. Mummy & Huddy were both very relieved at the tricky corners when the boys had to slow down as it gave them a chance to catch up! (PS Mummy must get a mountain bike!)

Friday, September 2, 2011


Every week Joshua comes home with 12 new words to learn to spell. Every night he has to write 'something' using those 12 words - it might simply just be the words themselves or it may be sentences incorporating the words in context. Then at the end of every 3 weeks they have a spelling test to cover all 36 new words and Joshua takes great pride in getting all his words correct. Throughout the 3 weeks they are divided into pairs in school time and do buddy-spelling. Joshua came home today very proud to show off his buddy-spelling certificate.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yep - Nah

For some reason ... two people in our household seem to be saying 'yep' and 'na' instead of Yes and No (and one of them is supposed to speak the "Queen's English").

To try and impede this Mummy has introduced some 'Yep and Na' money jars. The basis of the 'game' is that if one of us hears the other saying either slang word, they get to take a $1 coin out of the bad speaker's jar.

We all started with 10 x $1 coins - after two days, Mummy still had her original 10; Daddy was down to 7 and Joshua was up to 13 - go figure!