Saturday, February 28, 2009

Water, water .... everywhere

Well it bucketed down in Wellington today - cricket was cancelled and any other outdoor activity we could think of. So we decided we may as well stay wet and headed out to Upper Hutt Swimming Pool where we spent about 3 hours clowning around in the pool and the water slides. We had a great time and Mummy was forever hopeful that it would tire young Josh out but oh no, we only finished bedtime routine at 9pm ... lordy-be!!

Friday, February 27, 2009

All the way from the UK - our very own Malcolm & Jill

Malcolm & Jill live in the UK - well they do for approximately 8 months of the year - and then the other 4 months are spent on this side of the world in a gorgeous apartment in Oriental Bay. They have 2 grown-up sons, Ian in Sydney and Matthew in the UK - both of whom they are very proud (and rightfully so). Lucky for us they currently have no grandchildren of their own so we have 'adopted' them. They have a most special relationship with Josh ... in fact, Josh had his first sleep-over ever on Saturday 31st January at their apartment - and he loved it ! Malcolm & Jill have a delightful, caring and playful way with Josh, they always include him and he feels very happy and secure with them. And, quite honestly, it is lovely for Mummy & Daddy to know that they are 'there' and part of our 'extended 'family. Sadly though, we always lose them in early April as they head back to the UK - and that is going to be hard to try and explain to Josh again !

In the meantime, we continue to enjoy their time here - and tonight we went to their apartment for a yummy dinner and then wandered down to Queens Wharf to watch an outdoor circus of stunts and entertainment which was quite incredible. Wellington turned on one of those gorgeous still nights and it was quite beautiful to walk alongside the harbour and soak in the beauty of the night.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

How lucky we are ...

When Daddy got home from work, Mummy & Josh were all organised ... we had packed up some sausages, rolls, tomato sauce and a portable mini bbq and we set off. Literally right behind our house is a lovely bush walk that takes us up and over a rise to the beach and we can be there inside 10 minutes. This evening we were the only ones on the beach .... we sat and watched the sun slip behind the hills, lit the barbeque and cooked up our simple dinner, threw sticks to Huddy in the water and .... just relaxed. On the way home, we cut back through the school park, had a game of tag and Josh played on the slide .... the simple and most enjoyable pleasures of life and living where we do, we are so lucky.

Grandma's Homestay for 4-legged 'people'

Where would we be without Grandma? It is just so handy having her live just round the corner, for many reasons, least of all for Mr Hudson who goes to spend the day with Grandma about 2 or 3 times a week, depending on how busy Mummy is. Here he is frolicking on the lawn showing his 'better' side and the look he gives us when we arrive at Grandma's gate for pick-up! Don't you just love the simple innocence of animals - no matter what sort of day you have had, they are just so happy to see you and can uplift your spirits in a heartbeat.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Double Trouble

Introducing .... Freddie! Freddie started school the same week as Josh last year and they are in the same class again this year. Freddie truly embraces life with utter and total enthusiasm and goes at it with one speed - and it's fast! Today Freddie invited Josh around for a playdate after school, along with Georgia & LuLu. Mummy had time on her hands and so took Huddy out for another run this afternoon - and what a glorious summer afternoon for it all!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Big Brother Josh

This afternoon after school Mummy & Josh were delighted to go to Kindy to pick up lovely Olivia (or Lulu as she is affectionately called). Olivia's older sister Georgia was having her plaster cast taken off her broken arm so Olivia was on 'our shift'. Olivia came to watch Josh at Variety Sports (and I think that Josh loved the fact that she was watching him!). Whilst Josh did 'his thing' with the team Lulu and I played tag, skittles, hide & seek (she is very fast for only 2 1/2 years old!). Afterwards we went to the park and had some more fun before dropping Lulu home. Hmm, there are some times when I see Josh with other children and I feel a pang about him not having a sibling as he so loves to be a 'brother' - big or small - but then I simply have to remind myself of how special he is and how lucky we are to have him. Josh's friends are going to play a big part in his life.

Monday, February 23, 2009

The F word

Quite a title I know but simply put .... Josh and his class are studying the letter F this week. Monday is the day each week when Josh has to stand up for 'Newstalk' and talk about something which 'hopefully' relates to the letter they are studying. So we had some fun with photos of our time at the Fun Fair over the weekend. Mummy just hopes that Josh has enough confidence to stand up and talk about it !!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

How much can you pack into a day?

The answer in our household is ..... alot !! The day started with Mummy & Huddy out pounding the pavements on a run followed by a bike ride around Seatoun.

C'mon Daddy, let's get going - I'll pump up the tyres says Josh!

Then Grandma came around for morning tea and a catch-up before we all headed over to Wadestown to have lunch with our friend, Paul.
Mummy first met Paul some 10 years ago and, in fact, Paul was a client of Office Network. Paul is truly one of life's intellects with a passion for business, education, photography and poetry - to name a few. However, he is also a most caring man who can listen and engage very deeply. Paul has been a wonderful mentor to Mummy for many years.

Then after a lovely leisurely (and yummy) lunch, Mummy, Daddy & Josh went out to play Mini Pirate Golf - Josh just loves golf !! Off to Kilbirnie Pool for a swim and a spa on the way home - and then time for a quick roly-poly on the trampoline before bed (Mummy & Daddy want a double-dose on whatever Josh is 'on' for energy!!)

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Introducing .... Daisy & Ruby

The joys of living right next door to the school park .... Josh just has to look out the window and immediately sees who is playing down there (not so good when he sees some friends down there at his bedtime and wants to go and join them!). Ruby & Daisy are always there! They are 2 very special girls and we share many hours with them. Tonight we all played down at the park and then Ruby & Daisy came home for a play. Here they are cuddling up to Josh in the hammock - we are not sure who adores who the most!

Walkies time ...

This morning we loaded the car up with the 2 blond boys and headed off on a walk around the peninsular. Glorious day and time to simply breathe in the fresh air, enjoy the view and the sun, and chat. We need to remind ourselves sometimes just how lucky we are to live in such a wonderful country with so much open space and blue skies.

Cuba Street Carnival

This afternoon we joined the other 150,000+ spectators at the Cuba Street Carnival. Tt is truly an unforgetable street party with markets selling every conceivable food, bric-a-brac and clothes, outdoor bars lining the streets, heaps of groovy art, about a dozen stages set up with bands belting out a vibrant global mix of music, huge crowds and of course mardi gras style entertainment for the children. We had a ball !!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Our very own Granny Cranney

Mummy & Daddy had been invited to see the Jeff Sewell & Incognito Artists concert so Granny Cranney came to look after Josh. It was also Granny Cranney's birrthday last week so we had a little party with her. We are so lucky, so blessed to have her in our lives. Granny Cranney looked after Josh, on behalf of Social Welfare, from when he was 2 hours old (yes, that new!!) until his adoption was finalised and we brought him home at 39 days old. We have kept in touch and we have adopted her, and she has adopted us into her family and it is an incredibly special relationship. When you ask Granny Cranney how many children she has, she always says 22 (because that number includes Josh) and if she hasn't seen Josh for a few weeks, she always phones and suggests that it is time Mummy & Daddy went out for an evening so she can "come in and see my boy" in her thick Scottish accent! We love you Granny Cranney and thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for coming into our lives.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A breath of fresh air

Sylvia omes to town ! Based in Auckland, we are lucky that Sylvia gets to come down to Wellington every now and then and although she has many friends to stay with, we seem to be the lucky ones. As the caption says, Sylv is truly a breath of fresh air - always so happy and so positive. Sylv always arrives with many entertaining & interesting stories to tell - and a little crazy at the same time. As for her creative talents as one of New Zealand's most well-known and respected Interior Designers, well ... she is truly outstanding and Mummy is always looking for new ideas from her. Here she is having a game of hopscotch with Josh (as you do after breakfast and before school!). Thanks for your friendship Sylv - you truly energise us in every way.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How we miss good friends

Mummy had a lovely 1 1/2 hour chat with Kathy today. Kathy & Steve used to live next door to us but are now living back 'home' in the USA where they can spend time with their sons & partners and 2 beautiful grandchildren, Frannie & Sawyer. Kathy (or 'Koffee' as Josh has always called her) was (and is) a very important person in Josh's life for the first nearly 4 years and, in fact, looked after him for the first week when we brought him home whilst Mummy closed up her business. 'Koffee' is truly everyone's dream Mum and Grandmother and she has an amazing capacity to care, to listen, to tune in and then offers the most heartfelt and sensible suggestions that just make life so much easier and enjoyable - we miss you Koffee !

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A busy Sunday

Don't you just love those Wellington days after a cold southerlie - we get those stunning clear blue skies and sunshine but with a little nip in the air ! Mummy was asked to do an interior colour-scheme on a house out in Paremata so we all went out there this morning - wow, the house literally 'hung' over the Paremata inlet - the owner said he can cast a fishing line off the deck at high tide and catch fish for dinner. Quirky design with rooms, nooks & crannies everywhere - fascinating ! And then this afternoon we all went to a party in Island Bay for a friend's mother's birthday, Birte, who is out here from Denmark. Gorgeous afternoon in the sun, lovely relaxed company, a Danish & NZ barbeque feast, hot dogs & buns for the kiddies, lollipops & birthday cake - and the afternoon just raced by and now, sadly, the end of another weekend.

Daddy playing 'eat the aeroplane' with Josh - boys and their games !!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines Day

So many celebrations today .... firstly Valentines Day started with me sending Daddy & Josh on a wee chocolate hunt - a trail of chocolate hearts that started in the garage, weaved their way outside and up the stairs to the top balcony and back down again into the tree house to finally discover a large chocolate heart each. Daddy then left a wee surprise under Mummy's pillow - a lovely candle, soap & face cream - oh to feel pampered!

It was also Grandpa's birthday (don't worry Grandpa, we have stopped counting the years!) so a singing phone call to him down in Queenstown. And Granny Cranney's birthday also so yet another phone call !

And then this afternoon Josh went to Tomo's 6th birthday party. Tomo's brave Mummy had invited 10 boistrous boys over! Fortunately they broke the noisy play with a visit to the movies to see BOLT which they all loved, then cake & pressie-time before pick-up. Josh adores Tomo, they went to creche together, they both play in the same rugby & cricket teams - and if Josh had his way, he would love them both to go to the same school.

This evening Mummy went into town to help a friend who was event-managing a charity fashion show to raise funds for the Mary Potter Hospice - a most successful and heart-felt evening. Mummy went out the back to help the models and guess who was modelling the little girls' clothes - Josh's friend from school, Anika, and her younger sister Chayna - don't they look gorgeous!

Friday, February 13, 2009

What a full-on week

Our first 'full' 5-day week back at school and all the other things we get up to after school ! We started off with Variety Sports where Josh gets to have a brilliant run-around for over an hour after school - Mummy & Daddy are always hopeful that it will tire him out !

And another day .... we went and had a hot chocolate and yummy cupcake after school with his very close friend, gorgeous Georgia, who is being so brave at the moment with her broken arm (eeek!!)
And .... swimming at school on Wednesday. I think the 'fun' part was the bus trip there and back! Let's just say that we hope next week is a little more organised. Mummy was on 'parental pool patrol' and learned very quickly that next time she needs to wear her swimsuit !!

And let's not forget dearest Grandma's birthday - wow, 86 years old! Scones, jam & cream with some friends in the morning and then a fish & chip dinner and home-made birthday cake in the evening - and no, we didn't have 86 candles!

And, of course, there is always fun-time to be had with Hudson and his furry 'play' pussy cat.

..... and tug-of-war with his string bone !

The week finished with a hair cut .... do you remember those pudding-bowl cuts that your Mum did in the kitchen. Well that doesn't happen today, on no siree ! We go to a fancy salon where Josh gets given a fluffy, sits on the special 'horsey' chair and has a 'professional' haircut by Tuan !!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Josh loves the computer !

Monday came around very quickly - and the start of our first 5-day week back at school for the year - I think it is going to be a long week! However, Josh only has a half-day on Mondays as he has a one-on-one private lesson in the afternoon with a speech & language tutor, Sara Spur. Josh loves going to see Sara and she has a wonderful ability to get Josh doing things whereby the learning is a by-product of the activity or lesson. The majority of Sara's learning is computer-based so Josh is very happy about that (no surprises there!). It is scary how fast he is around the keyboard, it is almost second-nature to him and is another reason why the computer at home is now password coded (brings back memories of one morning at 6.15am where we wondered where Josh was only to find him in the home office, having turned the computer on, gone into gooble (his understanding of google), scrolled down into favourites and was busy playing golf on screen - mmm, not quite the same way that Tiger Woods started out!)

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Gorgeous 3-day weekend

Wow what a 3-day weekend - thanks to Waitangi Day. Wellington was flooded with thousands of visitors who came to see the World Rugby 7s - an event which the Capital City has proudly hosted for the past 10 years. This 2-day event injects an additional $16 million dollars into Wellington coffers - which the bars, cafes & retailers love! Hong Kong is the traditional home of the 7s but Wellington is certainly the carnival capital and of the 38,000 spectators in the stadium, I would imagine that 90% of those dress in fancy costume for the event - it is truly amazing - and very colourful and funny, the city comes alive ! NZ & England were in the finals - suffice to say that Daddy has been chanting England's anthem all day long (just lovely for Mummy who is not at all competitive - NOT!) - NZ were up 12 in the first half, but then got complacent in the second and lost in the last dying seconds with a final score 19-17 - ugh!

As for us, well we kept well away from the 7s ... we visited some friends, went to the movies, took Huddy to the beach and also spent some time at Thorndon Pool with cool drinks and ice-creams - don't you just love those lazy, hazy summer days

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cricket is back!

Yes, our first day back at Cricket for the year and an early start at 8.30am for the ROCKETS. Here we have Josh on the field waiting for the ball to come flying and then team-talk at half-time with coach Rob. Note Hudson is behaving as team mascot and looking after Joshua's drink !

And then in the afternoon we had swimming lessons. After the 'structured' lesson, Daddy, Mummy & Josh headed to Thorndon Swimming Pool which is a lovely outdoor pool, albeit heated to 27 degrees (lovely!) and played around in the water for nearly 2 hours. Hopefully we will have a tired wee boy this evening !