Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Inter-House Results

1st : McElvie
2nd : Pototau
3rd : Macarthur
4th : Bedding

Okay, McArthur, we have got some work to do ....

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Inter-House Sports Championship

From a block away, all you could hear were chants of very enthusiastic young boys...'Macarthur' ... 'Bedding' ... 'McElvie' ... 'Pototau' - the names of the 4 houses. Each House is not just represented by name but by colours of either red, blue, yellow or green

Joshua is in Macarthur House, their colour is red and their chant is ...
"Macarthur is the best - forget all the rest".

The Opening Ceremony was magnificent. Each team took their turn to 'present' themselves to the other teams and parents and had 100metres of track to 'make their mark'. Each house had chosen a song which was blasted across the field through loud speakers. All boys had exaggerated their house colours by donning hats, wigs and whatever else was in the appropriate colour - I arrived to find Josh had his hair sprayed red and his face had red and black warpaint - oh yes, he was definitely ready !!

The Opening Ceremony was won by McElvie House (yellow). They had hired a bright yellow car that screeched onto the field and then slowly drove towards the oncoming pack of chanting and dancing boys - as the car neared the boys, the horn blasted and all boys immediately 'dropped dead' onto the ground - impressive.

Mummy needs to make a mental note ... look for crazy 'things' of adornment in colour red - and to find a red Ferrari before the next Inter-House competitions !

We then enjoyed watching the boys for 4 hours - relays around the field passing the baton, tug-of-war, running in teams of 4 whilst carrying a very heavy boxing bag, and more - and then of course the race of teachers versus Years 6, 7 and 8 (first time for a long time apparently that the Year 8 boys beat the teachers, albeit by a whisper!).
It was truly a magnificent day. I now understand what Peter Cassie refers to as 'healthy competition'. The boys are so committed to their respective Houses, the 'big' boys take such good care to include the 'little' boys; there is so much positive encouragement within each House and all the boys are known by name, it's astounding. It is amazing to hear all the big Macarthur boys yelling out "Go Josh" when it was his turn to take the baton.
But, be under no illusion ... you can actually feel the tension in the air, the smell of competition - each House is without a doubt out to win! And even I, as a parental spectator, found myself yelling for Macarthur and cheering on boys in red that I didn't even know !
House results will be announced at school tomorrow - watch this space.

'Macarthur's' Opening March - Josh is 2nd from the left doing his 'thing'

'McElvie' won the Opening Ceremony - with the help of this zappy yellow sports car that literally "dropped 'em dead"

'Bedding' doing their entrance !

Josh is truly delighted that 'big boy Harrison' is also in Macarthur House

Waiting in line for their relay

In position, waiting for the baton

Dig it in Josh !!

Cute as a button under the Macarthur Flag

Josh now in a face mask and waving under the flag

A flying finish - just look at that stride !

Monday, March 29, 2010

One of those very special memorable moments

Today we went to the Scots Assembly Hall to see Joshua being given an award for RUNNER-UP TO YEAR 2 ATHLETIC CHAMPIONSHIP.

You know that feeling - it starts in the pit of your stomach and just rises from there and then you get a lump in your throat (let alone tears in your eyes) ... your feelings of happiness for your child's success ... your pride - are simply overwhelming.

Well I felt that as I sat in the hall with 300 boys in the Prep School and other parents as Joshua's name was called out and he went up on stage and lined up with the other Runner-Ups in Years 1-7. Mr Cassie made each young 'gentleman' feel very special for his own moment of glory as he shook their hand and gave them their Certificate.

Years 1-7 Runner-Ups
Year 2 Champion : Baker
Year 2 Runner-Up : Joshua !

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sometimes simple is ... simply the best

We grabbed some cardboard cartons and headed down to the park and Daddy and Josh 'hooned' down the slopes - Josh safely in his carton and Daddy's bottom 'just' fitting the piece of cardboard Josh so generously donated to him to use ! As the photos show, there was lots of laughter, even when they both canned out at the bottom !

See you soon Malcolm & Jill

We refuse to say goodbye - because Malcolm and Jill will be back in about 6 months time, so it is just 'farewell and see you soon'. Joshua is slowly beginning to understand that Malcolm and Jill live here for half the year, and in the UK for the other half.

However, we will all miss them very much. They add SO much value to our lives. First and foremost they take such a committed, caring and genuine interest in Joshua and all he is involved in; they are the first to put up their hand to pick Josh up from school or take him anywhere if we need help. For Mummy in particular, they are a god-send - it is like having another pair of hands as they are just simply 'there' for us in every way. Joshua has his own independent relationship with Malcolm and Jill and he looks on them as 'family' in many ways.

And this time, they not only were a big part of Joshua's life but they also 'adopted' Grandma and did so many DIY jobs around her house (unbelievable) - and also even took Mr Hudson for walks and swims!

How lucky we are to have them here for 6 months each year. All we can say is ... let the next 6 months pass quickly so we can have them back here again - please !

Happy Birthday Freddie

Freddie had his 7th birthday party today - and phew, talk about a 'loud' party. 7 boys out-doing each other with yelling, an hour at the golf driving range, home for a swim in their swimming pool and then party food to fuel further testosterone. I have to say that Josh was very happy to see me when I arrived to pick him up - he had a lovely time but was happy to come home and 'chill-out' and give his ears a rest !

Saturday, March 27, 2010

A friendship that feels like it will last forever

We had the T-Ball prize-giving this morning and all members of the team were awarded certificates and medals. We then had Tom over for the afternoon and Josh was very excited to cash in his 2 free tickets to Lollipop-Land and then a game of Lazer Strike where they boys 'shot' at one another.

Every now and then you meet someone 'special' in your life - and that can happen at any age. Josh and Tom met when they were 2 years old at creche and although they live in different suburbs and go to different schools, they still tell the world that each of them are the other ones' best friend.

In the back of the car today, Tom was talking about how people are born with different 'things'. He said ... like you Josh "you are so funny, you always make me laugh". Joshua's response to Tom was that "and you were born with lots of friends" - so it just goes to show you we are all attracted to friends for different reasons at any age.

We are very hopeful that Tom and Josh will forever be friends .... and I have a feeling they always will ... because what they have is very special.

Friday, March 26, 2010


A big week for Josh .... he lost another 2 teeth (he has now lost 9 altogether). Mummy keeps calling his Sponge-Bob Square Pants because all you can see are his 2 top front adult teeth and lots of gaps - just like the TV character !!

Also, to make a note ... Josh is 1.236 metres tall (90th percentile) and weighs 22.7 kilos (50th percentile). if he keeps tracking at that, he will be a rather tall, lean dude one day.

The last of the summer sun ...

Wellington is blessing us with some beautiful sunny days so we are grabbing every chance we can to hold onto the last of the summer sun ... tonight we headed to the beach for a swim. Why is it that children do not seem to feel the cold like us adults? Josh raced into the water ! As for Huddy, well if a dog can smile, Huddy was laughing from ear to ear tonight as he galloped through the water!

... and yes, we were still there even when the sun disappeared behind the hills - a gorgeous evening

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What is long, slimy and gooey?

The answer is WORMS ! Joshua's class made a trip to a worm farm this morning. Sadly the weather didn't behave and the combination of light drizzle, wind and slimy gooey worms didn't quite appeal to Mummy who was parent help ! However, the boys enjoyed it and even took some delight in picking up the worms !

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Teacher/Parent Interviews

With the first term nearly over, Scots College organised a Teacher/Parent interview evening. So tonight we met with Mrs Bell, Joshua's teacher, to get a 'feel' and update on how Joshua is getting on.

Mrs Bell was very quick to tell us that she is delighted to have Joshua in her class and that he always contributes and participates. His reading, spelling and maths are at a level for a child aged 7 1/2 which is so encouraging as Josh is about to only turn 7 so he is slightly ahead of what is expected of him in the national curriculum.

In fact, there were no areas of learning where Mrs Bell felt that special attention needed to be paid - simply, we all need to keep doing what we are doing because it is working !

On a personal note, Mrs Bell admitted that Joshua is a sensitive little boy but that he is learning to cope far better with the little knocks, bumps and simply the bustle that goes on in a busy, sometimes noisy and male-focused environment. He is starting to learn little coping mechanisms.

We both left the interview ... overwhelmingly happy, delighted, a tad emotional and so impressed with Joshua and Scots - and the combination of the two together. This is going to be a great year and Joshua should be so proud of himself.
All the boys were asked to draw a picture on the front of their Literacy Awards book ... this is Joshua's picture of 2 people sitting at a desk reading with the school building in the background ... for this he was awarded the Art Prize yesterday !

Monday, March 22, 2010

Homework & Morning News

Over the weekend we went to the garden centre and bought a swan plant which we all know caterpillars love. We were lucky to pick a plant that had 5 'fat' caterpillars'. Tonight Joshua (with some help from Mummy with outlines) has put together a picture/story on the life cycle of a butterfly which he is going to talk about tomorrow at 'Morning News'. He is also going to take in the swan plant so that the class can watch the caterpillars and what happens next in the cycle.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Seatoun School Fair

We had 3 hours of endless fun at the Seatoun School Gala ... the highlight was bumping into so many friends and Josh joining them all in .... the monster slide which they never tired of; hook-a-duck; wheelbarrow race; throw the toilet roll; throw the gumboot; the petting zoo; going for a ride in the side car of a motorbike and also in a racing car; having our hair dyed green!! Let alone the candyfloss, drinks, lollies and way-too-many soft toy prizes which he won (we certainly brought home enough to donate to the next fair anyway!).

Sunday Morning Pancakes

'Most' Sunday mornings Daddy & Joshua are 'let loose' in the kitchen to make pancakes for breakfast. Mummy did somewhat panic when Daddy was teaching Josh how to flip the pancakes - suffice to say some pancakes did hit the ceiling but the giggling certainly overrode the 'splat' noise as it hit! Just as well they are very yummy.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Let's go fly a kite

Lovely day, light breeze ... let's climb over the fence and fly a kite ... what a life !