- a lovely day
- Water bombs (Daddy didn't realise that they had been sitting in the fridge for 2 days and so they were VERY cold)
- Water guns
- and the most important ingredient, 2 boys
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Water Fight
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Summer has arrived
After spending a few hours at the beach, we wandered home to barbeque some sausages ... don't you just love summer, somehow life just seems so much more simple and easy.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
The World
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
School Picnic

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Josh & Huddy, what a team
How lucky we are to have these 2 little blond boys.
I swear Huddy is laughing, he loves the beach so much !
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Let the creative juices flow!
Mummy was relieved and grateful we had to wait until the paint was completely dry before we could attempt Stage 2 which will be on another day ... watch this space !
Team effort - Fionn and Josh 'on the job' painting the silver 'body'
Joshua and his red clothes blend very well with his red box !
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Two boys together
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Up to Mt KauKau ... and back down again
After that, we all raced one another to the top of Mt KauKau. I have to say ... Huddy, despite the metal plate in his back leg, takes a lot of beating - which is not a bad thing with 3 rather competitive boys in tow ! We played games all the way up and you would be amazed at what the "lolly fairy" can hide along the way!
We were certainly all relieved to get to the top where we shared our lolly find and had a picnic afternoon tea before heading back down to the bottom again.
Phew, what an energetic afternoon !!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Luca comes for a sleep-over
Huddy gets in on the act with the bedroom antics !
Guy Fawkes
We had 2 nights of celebration ... one on Friday night when Luca slept over and we took the boys up to Mt Vic to watch the Council fireworks display over Wellington Harbour. It was a lovely still night and the display was quite fantastic - it does not pay to think how many thousands of ratepayers' money goes up in smoke on that one night !! But the boys were in awe of the way the sky lit up and the mass of colours that cascaded down the night sky.
And then on Sunday night, the local beach hosted their annual Guy Fawkes night. Anyone can enter a 'guy' into the Guy Competition and after the judging has been done, they are all lit and burned. This year we had 11 guys and some were very clever indeed ! We joined up with Niki and her boys, Fionn and Ciaren. What is it about boys and fire ? Suffice to say, all 3 boys got stuck into adding more driftwood to the fire and making sure that the guys really did burn to the ground ! We seriously needed long hot baths after that night !
You will be relieved to know this was a 'guy' and not a real woman !
Thursday, November 4, 2010
One to remember ...
And Joshua's answer .... "yes but Mummy, they make them for money - you make them with love".
Priceless !!