Saturday, February 28, 2009
Water, water .... everywhere
Friday, February 27, 2009
All the way from the UK - our very own Malcolm & Jill
In the meantime, we continue to enjoy their time here - and tonight we went to their apartment for a yummy dinner and then wandered down to Queens Wharf to watch an outdoor circus of stunts and entertainment which was quite incredible. Wellington turned on one of those gorgeous still nights and it was quite beautiful to walk alongside the harbour and soak in the beauty of the night.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
How lucky we are ...
Grandma's Homestay for 4-legged 'people'
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Double Trouble
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Big Brother Josh
Monday, February 23, 2009
The F word
Sunday, February 22, 2009
How much can you pack into a day?
Mummy first met Paul some 10 years ago and, in fact, Paul was a client of Office Network. Paul is truly one of life's intellects with a passion for business, education, photography and poetry - to name a few. However, he is also a most caring man who can listen and engage very deeply. Paul has been a wonderful mentor to Mummy for many years.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Introducing .... Daisy & Ruby
Walkies time ...
Cuba Street Carnival
Friday, February 20, 2009
Our very own Granny Cranney
Mummy & Daddy had been invited to see the Jeff Sewell & Incognito Artists concert so Granny Cranney came to look after Josh. It was also Granny Cranney's birrthday last week so we had a little party with her. We are so lucky, so blessed to have her in our lives. Granny Cranney looked after Josh, on behalf of Social Welfare, from when he was 2 hours old (yes, that new!!) until his adoption was finalised and we brought him home at 39 days old. We have kept in touch and we have adopted her, and she has adopted us into her family and it is an incredibly special relationship. When you ask Granny Cranney how many children she has, she always says 22 (because that number includes Josh) and if she hasn't seen Josh for a few weeks, she always phones and suggests that it is time Mummy & Daddy went out for an evening so she can "come in and see my boy" in her thick Scottish accent! We love you Granny Cranney and thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for coming into our lives.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
A breath of fresh air
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
How we miss good friends
Sunday, February 15, 2009
A busy Sunday

Daddy playing 'eat the aeroplane' with Josh - boys and their games !!
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Valentines Day
It was also Grandpa's birthday (don't worry Grandpa, we have stopped counting the years!) so a singing phone call to him down in Queenstown. And Granny Cranney's birthday also so yet another phone call !
And then this afternoon Josh went to Tomo's 6th birthday party. Tomo's brave Mummy had invited 10 boistrous boys over! Fortunately they broke the noisy play with a visit to the movies to see BOLT which they all loved, then cake & pressie-time before pick-up. Josh adores Tomo, they went to creche together, they both play in the same rugby & cricket teams - and if Josh had his way, he would love them both to go to the same school.

Friday, February 13, 2009
What a full-on week
And another day .... we went and had a hot chocolate and yummy cupcake after school with his very close friend, gorgeous Georgia, who is being so brave at the moment with her broken arm (eeek!!)
And .... swimming at school on Wednesday. I think the 'fun' part was the bus trip there and back! Let's just say that we hope next week is a little more organised. Mummy was on 'parental pool patrol' and learned very quickly that next time she needs to wear her swimsuit !!
And let's not forget dearest Grandma's birthday - wow, 86 years old! Scones, jam & cream with some friends in the morning and then a fish & chip dinner and home-made birthday cake in the evening - and no, we didn't have 86 candles!
And, of course, there is always fun-time to be had with Hudson and his furry 'play' pussy cat.
..... and tug-of-war with his string bone !
The week finished with a hair cut .... do you remember those pudding-bowl cuts that your Mum did in the kitchen. Well that doesn't happen today, on no siree ! We go to a fancy salon where Josh gets given a fluffy, sits on the special 'horsey' chair and has a 'professional' haircut by Tuan !!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Josh loves the computer !

Sunday, February 8, 2009
Gorgeous 3-day weekend
As for us, well we kept well away from the 7s ... we visited some friends, went to the movies, took Huddy to the beach and also spent some time at Thorndon Pool with cool drinks and ice-creams - don't you just love those lazy, hazy summer days.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
Cricket is back!