Thursday, December 31, 2009
Quotes & little Sayings we will always remember
Mummy's favourite (of course!) ..... "I love you my dearest Mummy" - said by Joshua just before he went to sleep one night.
Daddy's favourite .... "Daddy, do you want to go on a behaviour chart?" - said by Joshua when he was 'cross' with Daddy one night on the trampoline - bit 'rich' really when you think that Joshua has never had a behaviour chart himself !!
And another favourite .... "Excuse me Mummy, can I please have a quiet word with you outside" - whispered by Joshua to Mummy at a family friend's 90th wedding anniversary (yes, Josh was a little bored!)
The last day of 2009
Josh has learned so much ... he can count by 2's and "almost" tie his shoes; he can count to 100 and beyond; he can count by 5's and 10's; he can sleep without a pull-up and dress himself after his shower; he can ride a horse, go on a biscuit behind a speedboat and go down on the luge almost faster than Daddy; he can read and write little stories; he has learned the confidence to dance with expression and sometimes even sing; he has slowly learned that it is okay to not always win (although he still likes to); he now coughs into his elbow and is way more aware of swine flu than any other illness! He can run faster and further than last year and lives for exercise and outdoor activity; he has learned to walk in the school corridor and not run; he now finally eats almost all of his school lunch; he can fly on a plane over to the UK and beyond and see some wonderful new places; he can build a bonfire on the beach and cook marshmallows; he can run a mile and has a medal to prove it! He can swim a length or two in the swimming pool and has a great backstroke action; he can play lots of various board games and especially loves Monopoly and Backgammon; he quite often reminds us that "you get what you get and you don't get upset"; he has made some special friends and has been lucky to have had 2 lovely teachers this year who have helped him so much. Yes, it has been a good year .... we have so much to be thankful for.
And now Christmas is over, summer is here. We have got so much fun to have - a trip up north, mountains to climb and seas to swim in; tracks to walk and tracks to bike; ice-creams and popsicles to eat whenever we want to; barbeques on the beach and sunsets to watch. So c'mon everyone, let's embrace the excitement of holidays and summer and remind ourselves just how lucky we are.
Goodnight to everyone as midnight 'hits' and the New Year & New Decade begin. I have a feeling that 2010 is going to be a great year for us.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Christmas Day
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Christmas Eve
Hope you are hungry Santa - don't forget to drink your milk !
Monday, December 21, 2009
Santa sends a video to Josh
Mummy sat with Josh whilst looking at the video and everytime Santa asked a question, Josh sat quietly nodding his head - and his little heart was racing !
Click here here to watch it.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Last day of School .... & Christmas dust
This Christmas Eve sprinkle the magical Christmas dust on your lawn. The glitter will sparkle in the moonlight & help Santa find your house; the smell of the oats will guide the reindeer. Merry Christmas sweetheart, have a wonderful holiday !
And now a week's holiday where Josh can be Mummy's helper (oh dear) before that big fat man in the red suit comes a-singin down the chimney!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
The Girls Farewell Sarah
Busy Busy Day
Monday, December 14, 2009
School Reports come home ...
Overall, it is clear to see that Josh thrives on routine, loves to have a clear understanding of what is happening each day, and tries very hard. He is making steady progress across the board in reading, oral studies, writing, mathematics, art, PE and integrated studies. However, it was rather amusing to read that Joshua "loves music and dance and it is always a pleasure to watch him exploring rhythm and beat" ... maybe we have a budding hip-hop dancer in our midst!
The teacher's personal comment.... to quote .... " Joshua is a gentle child with a bright sparkle and kind heart which is enjoyed by all. All his hard work is paying off and it is wonderful to see him improving in reading and writing. His super positive attitude is to be congratulated".
Joshua ... Mummy and Daddy are so very proud of you and all you have learned and achieved this past year. We know you are a gentle sensitive soul and that sometimes it can all get too much .. but just know that we will always be there for you ... every step of the way.
Last Week of School
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Ho ho ho, tis the season ...
Joshua's list ... well it went like this .... a new wetsuit, swimming goggles, a star for the top of the Christmas tree, a game of Bingo, Star Wars Lego, a Lego Batman PC game, some new socks, a game of Monopoly City, Indiana Jones game for the Nintendo, a Frisbee with a hole in the middle, the star wars 2-light saber set, backgammon game, a big candy cane .... and some wings so I can fly to school! Phew, Santa is going to be mighty busy ... and Josh must think he has been extra good this year !!
Click here to hear the call.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Out little Kite Flyer
School Projects
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Oh to be Year 5
Look what Scooby has got