not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse "
Well, not quite in our household. You could definitely hear Joshua and feel his excitement! We had a few visitors in the early evening which added to the excitement - Aunt Rosie and Aunty Jellybean - and so the giving and receiving started early. Certainly Aunt Rosie got the 'bulls eye' as Josh leaped into the air when he opened her parcel to reveal the latest Star Wars Lego Game for the WII.
A WII game from Aunty Rosie - that has got to be the best gift !
As soon as they left, we made SANTA cookies and cut up carrots for the reindeer. The final touch was a tall glass of milk.
Good night everyone, sleep tight, dream of Santa and Rudolf and his team of reindeer flying across the night sky ... and let's just see what surprises there will be in the morning.
Wow, this house looked amazing - and the colours just kept changing !
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