Boys and their games ... the morning started with Daddy 'squashing' Josh between the base and the mattress of our bed - only for Daddy to then pretend everytime the model camel at the cafe 'lurched' forward it 'bit' him either on the bottom or the tummy and Daddy had no problem mimicking falling or jumping out of the way much to the amusement of others watching !
Oh and let's not forget when Josh is in the car and Daddy is outside and comes up to the window to speak - Josh winds the window down, Daddy put his head in, Josh rolls the window closed and Daddy pretends that his nose is stuck at the top of the window and proceeds to run alongside the moving car with his face plastered on the window - oh please !!

Mummy is a tad worried about the rather silly sense of humour that Joshua is developing - and the example that is being set by Daddy !!
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