And then .... we got to spend a few nights with Karen & Terry in Stowmarket. Karen is Joshie's godmother and we were all quite devastated when she left for her 'OE' about 18 months ago. However, the good news is that she met Terry on her travels and they are VERY happy together and we are all VERY happy for them. So we got to meet 'Uncle T' for the first time .... and the amazing news is that Aunty Karen & Uncle T are coming home to live in Wellington early next year. That is truly the bestest news ever - we have all missed Karen so much ... and we now have Uncle T to look foward to as well (Uncle T, we don't underestimate what a 'big' step this is for you to leave the UK and I cannot tell you how much we appreciate it ... rest assured we will do all we can to help you settle into Wellington).
We truly know that we will be seeing heaps of Aunty Karen & Uncle T and are counting down the days and months before they come home - please hurry guys !!

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