We joined in the Scots Holiday Programme for a few half-days and one full-day which is run by the 2IC at Scots who is so well organised in his games and activities. It is full-on and there is no rest and the children literally bounce from one team game to the next. They all seem to love it. We also feel with Josh being an only child it is good to encourage him to participate in as many team 'things' as he can.
We have also managed to fit in a few play-dates with Ruby & Daisy, Freddie and also Ilena and James. We had Julie and her 2 children, Tom and Emily, down from Auckland and they came over for an afternoon. We have competed, as a family, on the WII in basketball and cycling (and Josh is getting VERY good!).
Oh holidays are just so good aren't they ?!?! We are having a lot of fun so far - and as the following photos show, lots of 'silly' times !
Josh with James and Ilena - James ALWAYS pulls faces, he is destined for the stage, that boy !
Josh and Freddie being VERY silly with their faces - hope the wind doesn't change !