The boys had chosen the songs to sing whilst their music teacher strummed the guitar and they did a small nativity play up on the altar. All the boys had to also write their own prayer and stand up on the altar and read it out. According to Mrs Bell, the boys all chose their own subject and the words were their own. Some of them were hilarious and I must confess that both Mummy and Daddy were very relieved when Joshua stood up and read his ...
"Thank you God for my family and for giving me my very nice Mummy and my very funny Daddy. Thank you God for making me".
However, Daddy did have to get clarity from Josh if he meant funny as in funny-ha-ha or as in funny-weird. He did a big sigh when Josh said funny-ha-ha (and for those of you who truly know Paul and his sense of humour ... 'funny-ha-ha' is a good description as he is always playing the fool with Josh)
Funny-ha-ha Daddy with Josh and Spencer at the post-church morning tea
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