Sunday, October 31, 2010
Tis Halloween
Joshua works out
Lovely weekend - and what an achievement!
The first highlight for Mummy was taking the ferry across to Devonport for the start of the race just as the sun was coming up to welcome a most glorious day with perfect running conditions. The first 5-6 kms were rather a surprise with more uphill than anything else (and I thought Wellington was supposed to be city of hills!). Second highlight was having the opportunity to run across the Auckland Harbour Bridge and take in the view and also the architectural statement of the bridge itself (amazing!); the last 5 kms were a tad 'long' with one more VERY steep hill and by this stage the body was definitely reminding Mummy that she had torn glutes ! But the final and best highlight ... running across the finish line and joining up with Daddy & Joshua in his "go Mummy go" t-shirt.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Go Mummy Go !
And look what Daddy has organised for Josh to wear !!!!!!
Josh decided he wanted 'CHERRY' rather than 'MUMMY' - he said he was worried that all the other Mummy's would think he was cheering for them rather than just 'his' Mummy. So Aunty Jellybean came to the rescue and has laminated a large sign that says "Go Cherry, Go Go Go".
PS Mummy just wishes it was a 'flat' course - apparently there are quite a few hills/inclines in this one and I am not just talking about the Harbour Bridge. The glutes are going to love it - not !
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Parent/Student/Teacher Hour
All boys had been well coached as to what was expected of them and Joshua was very excited to have us both there with him. He particularly loved the maths on the electronic whiteboard - anything that has a technology component to it !
Monday, October 25, 2010
A 3 day weekend !
Very happy to be at the top !
Now at mini golf ... pose shot before the game
Daddy trying to catch Joshua on the inflatable obstacle course
... and down the other side
A wee bit of a 'boo-boo' on the water slide
3 boys in the water ... the siren has just gone off and they are awaiting the WAVE
Dinner back home at Clare & Vince with Elise & Ines
This was hilarious ... Elise gave Huddy an 'old' fluffy duck which he proceeded to immediately pull apart - Elise then went and got another duck and laid alongside Huddy and started to imitate him
Huddy has the last laugh ... c'mon Elise, roll on your back and still chew the ducky !
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Oh to have that energy!

Thursday, October 21, 2010
A little peek at Joshua's world at school
We have such a happy boy at school this term ... Joshua is now very comfortable with the routine and the structured learning environment that Scots offers. He is trying so hard to do well.
However, the two biggest changes we have seen of late are firstly his confidence - Josh will now, without hesitating, put his hand up and volunteer to participate and will willingly embrace morning news-talk and speaking in front of the class; and secondly, he is asking so many questions - Josh really wants to understand things ... what, why and when.
Scots College seems to certainly be giving Josh a great learning environment, knowledge sharing and other such scholarly pursuits - but he is also having fun and making some lovely friendships.
Sticker on the collar today is for achievement in French
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Grandparents & Special Persons' Day
Mummy was only allowed to show them where to meet Josh - and then leave !
The boys sang a number of songs and then all 4 Houses performed a Haka before the grandparents were treated to morning tea. The boys then took their 'special' people back to their classrooms to show them their work, over to the library and to the DCM room (computer room).
From all accounts from Grandma, Granney Cranney, Uncle Apples & Aunty Margaret ... they all simply loved the morning and could not speak more highly of Scots College, the boys, the facilities, the morning .. and, of course, Joshua.
In fact, the following day, a hand-written thankyou letter arrived in the mail to Joshua from Uncle Apples & Aunty Margaret that read ...
"Dear Joshua ... what an adventure and thrill it was for us to visit you at your school, and what a school it is! We thoroughly enjoyed attending, meeting your teachers and pals, and seeing where you spend so much time.
It was very difficult for us at your age - there was a war on and bombs were falling and fires everywhere; quite exciting really for a 7 year old, but a very frightening and serious time.
Enjoy your school days Josh - they are important - but more than anything, be happy and relish the chance your Mum and Dad have given you at Scots. It was a real pleasure and honour to be with you today - thank you so much for inviting us.