Today we had gorgeous Georgia over for a play date and after cookies & chippies, Josh, Georgia & Mummy sat down to play Junior Monopoly - I have decided that Josh has the markings of quite the capitalist, buying up houses left, right and centre ! Georgia and I were quite relieved when we had to finish the game early to take her home and then head to the railway station to pick up Nancy.
Nancy is the mother of a girlfriend of Mummy's and we hadn't seen each other for about 18 years. What a gorgeous woman Nancy is .... she took such an interest in Josh, so much so that he sat on her knee and read her his storybook tonight ! Nancy used to be a school teacher and doesn't just have the 'know-how' and wisdom with children, it is so gorgeous to see her grandmotherly way with them - Mummy felt quite emotional seeing the lovely way Nancy had with Josh. She is quite a special lady. Mummy is truly delighted to have 're-connected' with Nancy and we have agreed to keep in touch.
We finished the evening with a bath - by candlelight - how special is that?!?!