Thursday, April 23, 2009

Josh has a better social life than his parents!

A lovely still day, a great day to head out and have some fun.

Mind you, it did start with a visit to Dr Nick who is our 'family' dentist. The visit was due to Joshua's teeth encounter with a fellow Mustang's head at rugby over the weekend which somewhat loosened his top front tooth. Dr Nick confirmed there was nothing to worry about but to let the tooth fairy know that she may need to be flying past relatively soon. Yes, says Josh - third tooth must surely mean $3 (yes, readers, maths is his strong point!).
Then into town to join up with some friends from up the road and play Indoor Bowling. Jaime joined us and was such a great help to Josh that in the end he won the game hands-down - thanks Jaime !
After that, lunch with Daddy in town - what a treat !

And then we met Fionn & Thomas from school (and Shoshanna) and went for a ride on the cable car to the Botanical Gardens where we spent 3 VERY energetic hours at the playground and then throughout the gardens playing hide & seek and tag. Lots of giggling, lots of laughter and .... lots of testosterone !!! Back down on the cable car and fortunately a rather quiet ride home with 3 very tired boys in the back of the car.

But oh no, Josh came alive again when we got home and so we took Huddy-bud down to the park (thank the stars the park is right next door!) and then he even found the energy to also play a game of Junior Monopoly with Daddy.
Please, sleep fairy - wherever you are - you need to seriously come to our house early tonight and whisk this child away on a cloud of zzzzzzz .....

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