Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Au revoir Sara

We went and had our last appointment for a wee while with Sara, Joshua's speech & language therapist. Sara is about to head overseas for a few months - a most well deserved break.

So Joshua had a 'listening' test and we gathered some homework to do whilst Sara is away.
Well, it has been nearly 10 months since we started 'The Listening Program' with Joshua. The Listening Programme is a music listening therapy that stimulates the brain to improve performance in many areas. It was designed to help balance, strengthen and restore the ability to listen to and process sounds across the full auditory spectrum. In Joshua's case, it is aimed at helping him with his focus, listening and auditory processing.
Joshua listens to the music through specially designed headphones and a central forehead conductor unit that allows the sound to penetrate the frontal lobe part of his brain. He listens to 6 tracks each day and, depending on the duration of each track, this adds up to about 35 minutes of listening - and during that time Josh cannot engage in anything visual or noisey.
Josh, we know you find this very hard sometimes and there are honestly some days that I also find it so very hard to even make you even do it, simply because your day is already so busy and you also find it hard to sit, stop and just listen and not do very much ... but we can sincerely see from Sara's tests that it is helping you so much. You are not in this alone Josh ... we will support you all the way but we must continue this programme.

Joshua doing a listening test with Sara

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