Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dear Josh ... simply said

After such a lovely Mother's Day, it made me think of my life without possibly the privilege and opportunity to be a Mum ... and it reminded me of a story that I once read that a mother wrote to her son and I would like to share this with you...

Dear Son

You are my beloved boy,
daring and delightful
playful, energetic, curious
and very funny.

How lucky I am to have the gift of you in my life
I love watching you tackle the world with enthusiasm,
a willingness to get down and dirty and with a
bit of 'boy craziness'

Time after time you warm my heart with your smile,
your laughter, your silliness, and your extraordinary individuality.

I think a lot about how to be the best mother I can to you
I try to do and say the right thing
And even though we know I often don't or say the right thing
Just know that I am giving it my all for your journey

I'm amazed by how smart & creative & capable you are
How your mind is filled with so many awesome dreams & ideas
Do you know how incredible you are ?

I wish for you wonderful life adventures,
meaningful friendships and opportunities to pursue
your greatest passions.

Though boys are known for being "tough guys" I wish for

to be kind to your heart and to realise that strong on the outside
doesn't mean unbreakable on the inside.

Whilst I can't promise you a trouble-free journey
I can tell you that strength is born amidst the struggles
and disappointments

My heart aches when I see you sad or hurting

I want so much the best for you and it's hard for me to sometimes let go;
to let you choose, explore, experience and, at times, regret
My love for you is just that great

I see part of my job is to teach you to be a thoughtful,
well-mannered young man
And to treat women with respect and kindness.
You just might have a "lady" in your life someday (yikes!)

I'm so proud of you for who you are
I want you to feel proud of you, too.

I try not to give 'parental advice', but can I mention a few things ... Take the hight road as often as possible ... let go of anger ... think twice before you talk or send an email ... forgive it's a small world when it comes to knowing someone who knows someone ... and when you think I "can't possibly understand" I hope you realise that I just might.

I love you more than words can ever say
From head-to-toe tip,
you are my beloved boy

.... I couldn't have said it better myself Josh - you mean the world to us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being our beloved boy.

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