Despite a fairly cold, windy and wet weekend which meant that rugby was cancelled, we still managed to dart between the rain, don on our winter gear and have some fun .... mmm, now what did we do? Well (take a deep breath), we went ...... bike riding; fishing (yes, we caught 2 x fish but not yet big enough to bring home and cook - thank goodness thinks Mummy as they would have to be filleted, eeek!); some art & craft fun time with Georgia; a play on the beach and orange spiders & coffee on the water's edge wrapped up warm in jackets; swimming lessons; a visit to the library for a game on the computers and another pile of story books for the week; and of course the zillion and one other 'chores' that a family has to do which are always an interruption to having fun !

Look left, look right Josh - follow me !

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