"Joshua slipped straight back into his loose forward role after his week off. He got a beautiful try and nearly got another, being ripped just shy of the line. He locks on the ball carrier and just chases. He really performed on defence today though, topping the Mustangs rip count at five, two more than anyone else. Outstanding Joshua!"

We then had Tomo over for the rest of the day. We can honestly say ... we love you Tomo, you are such a gorgeous boy and a very committed and kind friend to Josh; you bring out the best in Josh, there is never a disagreement between you, you both just always work in together.
Tomo came along to support Josh at his swimming lesson and today's session was all about 'breathing' and 'stroking' at the same time.
And then we had a fun afternoon out at the Hutt River. Whilst Daddy loaded the trailer with river stones for our new garden we are making, Mummy along with Josh & Tomo, biked along the river bank - gosh those boys can bike fast! Mummy on her bike and Huddy running alongside, had to truly motor to keep up. We biked about 10 kilometres - full tilt !! And then back to help load the trailer, build a dam, make 'play' boats, play 'fetch' and tug-of-war with Huddy and just have simple fun ! Don't you just love the opportunity to be a child again - children have an amazing way of helping one to re-focus and put into perspective just what is important.

And oh bliss, another weekend day tomorrow - yeah !!
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